This installment of the Coaches Series features Coach Christina. There are two things I know for certain about Coach Christina: 1.) she works at high capacity; and, 2.) she’s absolutely hilarious. If you’ve ever been in a class with Coach Christina when she’s working out, you’ll have to agree: she’s strong, focused, expects a lot from herself, and works at maximum capacity. I’ve seen this on numerous occasions where she continually pushes herself to Rx WODs, it doesn’t matter what the movement is: deadlifts = heavy, cleans = fast, double unders and pull ups = consistent. I certainly appreciate her dedication to mental preparation for physical execution. In addition to being a busy mom (or, perhaps because she’s a busy mom) Coach Christina is wonderfully funny. I know she gets serious before a WOD, but there hasn’t been a time where she’s said something clever and witty and I haven’t giggled or chuckled. Her personality is WYSIWYG and I appreciate that more after getting to know her a little. We had a wonderful photo shoot together. I enjoyed having the opportunity to spend some time chatting with Christina, peppering her with questions; she is entirely authentic, gracious, and intelligent. Her positivity is completely infectious and it’s genuine. Check out Coach Christina’s classes to experience the same dedication to coaching your movements she brings to her own workouts. After class, chat her up, she’s a lovely, interesting lady. Enjoy!