BCWS 2019 Volcano Complex
Hmmm ... what to say about the Volcano Complex deployment. I would characterize it as a challenging deployment with innate and nuanced difficulties. As challenging and difficult as it was, I felt we all pulled together as a team and supported each other as best we could. One of the many positive aspects about this deployment was the surrounding beautiful and rugged landscape. Like many of you, I've travelled all over our amazing province with this gig; and, as a geographer, I truly cherish the observable differences in place and space across our province: I never take that privilege for granted. I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn a trade, build a craft, work hard, travel, learn from you, have a million laughs, and share in your struggles and successes. I'm grateful for the opportunity; moreover, I'm grateful we get to share these amazing experiences together as a team. Enjoy the photos!